


    高明柱老师系2008首届全国十佳毛体书法家,2009年度感动中国十大艺术骄子,2011第二届中国最具网络人气美术家十大年度人物。 2012年中央电视台先锋中国先锋会客厅以“东方之子·高明柱”为题作三十分钟的专题报道;2013年为纪念毛主席诞辰120周年,向毛主席诞辰120周年献礼,120幅书法作品在中华世纪坛世界艺术馆成功展出,名家对话栏目作二十分钟的专题报道;2015年天津人民美术出版社出版发行【中国近现代名家书法集】高明柱卷大红袍专辑2000册,全国新华书店经销。被中国非物质文化遗产办公室授予:“中国非物质文化遗产出版物”并授予:高明柱“中国非物质文化遗产传承人物”;中国非物质文化遗产艺术委员会以《中国近现代名家书法集》命名“高明柱大红袍名家工作室”;2017年广东广播电视台古韵今谈栏目以“中国著名书法家高明柱”为题作专题报道;2018年书法作品作为国礼赠送给吉尔吉斯共和国总理府收藏,人民日报袭古创今栏目人物专访以高明柱“继古人之神韵、开时代之新风”为题作10分钟的专题报道;2019年文化部艺术发展中心资质认证:“当代著名书法家”,国学文化艺术中心专业艺术委员会决定正式授予:高明柱“国学大师”。2020年新华号以中国著名书法家高明柱:“字体飞动继古人之神韵 线条流畅开时代之新风”为题进行报道;2021年高明柱书法作品被国家版权局登记,兰亭字库工程工作委员会研究决定,高明柱字体纳入兰亭字库并命名为“兰亭·高明柱体”,特聘请高明柱老师为“兰亭高明柱体”字体设计师一职;2022年12月18日创作的书法作品《长城》、《长征颂》经编委会评审,分别入编国家文化公园主题画册长城篇、长征篇。


    Gao Mingzhu, born in 1952, is known as Jingzhi and Xunjianzhai. His ancestral home is Dengzhou, Henan, and he resides in Beijing. Communist Party member, Maoist calligrapher, poet, national senior calligrapher, master of Chinese culture, century old master. Currently serving as the Chief Expert of the National Art Title Examination Center, Honorary Dean of the Central Academy of Fine Arts Calligraphy and Painting, Chairman of the National Calligraphy and Painting Art Committee, Vice Chairman of the CCTV International Cultural Exchange Art Committee, Director of the China Popular Literature and Art Research Association, and Member of the People's Art Artists Committee. Appointed by the China Federation of Literary and Artistic Circles and the Cultural and Artistic Talent Center of the Ministry of Culture as the art consultant of the New Era Cultural and Artistic Talent Center, the art consultant of the Calligraphy and Painting Talent Program, the art consultant of the Central Media Culture Organizing Committee, the consultant of the China Traditional Culture Development Committee, the consultant of the Beijing Chinese Maoti Calligraphers Association, the professor of the Calligraphy Department of the Calligraphy and Painting Art Academy of the Chinese Couplet Society, and the deputy secretary general of the Calligraphy and Art Research Association of the Chinese Couplet Society, Vice Chairman of the First Council of the Chinese Couplet Society's Poetry Research Special Issue on "Chinese National Essence", Special Commentator on "Chinese National Essence", Member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association and the Chinese Poetry Society, and Researcher at the Sotheby's Institute. Inheritor of China's intangible cultural heritage, ambassador for the image of China's national guest ceremony, master of Chinese art genres, and designer of the "Lanting Gao Ming Zhu Ti" font. Create the first batch of Chinese cultural celebrity studios: Gao Mingzhu Studio and Gao Mingzhu Art Museum. Awarded: Son of the East, Generation of Fangjia, People's Artists, Top Ten People's Art Masters, Top Ten Contemporary Chinese Artists with Both Virtue and Art, Master's degree in Calligraphy Art, and Doctor's degree in Art from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in France. He has won the Academic Award of Chinese Literature and Art Circles, and the Lifetime Achievement Award of Chinese Culture and Art Festival: Golden Monkey Award, Golden Rooster Award Award, and Golden Dog Award. He has published Collected Calligraphy of Gao Mingzhu, Artist · Gao Mingzhu, Hundred year Artist · Art Collection, Selected Works of National Artist Gao Mingzhu, Image Ambassador of China's State Guests · Gao Mingzhu, Archives of New China's Meritorious Artists · Gao Mingzhu, Art Appreciation of a Generation of Founders · Gao Mingzhu, Special Issue on the Establishment of Gao Mingzhu Art Museum, the Belt and Road Summit Forum · Famous Chinese Calligrapher Gao Mingzhu The album "Collection of Chinese Modern Calligraphy Masters" by Gao Mingzhu and Da Hongpao, as well as the book "Collection of Fine Works of Chinese Modern Calligraphy and Painting Masters" by Jian Cang, are donated to the National Library.

    Mr. Gao Mingzhu was influenced and nurtured by his ancestors, and he loved calligraphy and poetry from a young age. He graduated from the Henan Calligraphy Correspondence Academy and the China Calligraphy Association Calligraphy Training Center training class. In the early 1960s, he started writing and studying regular script, in the 1970s, he studied official script, seal script, and Chairman Mao's poetry and calligraphy. In the 1980s, he began to study Wang Xizhi's calligraphy and the calligraphy of famous calligraphers of various dynasties, and worked silently for decades without stopping at Linchi. In the process of creation, he is good at drawing on the experience and essence of art of predecessors, advocates that art comes from life, excavates materials from ordinary life, and is good at observing, thinking, refining, sublimating, and obtaining creative inspiration. He learns from the past, is bold in innovation, and after repeated tempering, he has gradually formed an artistic style of rounded pen, smooth lines, natural and elegant, and created a large number of outstanding works that are praised by people. Received high praise from older generation artists such as Fan Zeng, Ouyang Zhongshi, and Zhang Hai. Mr. Fan Zeng mentioned during his lecture on Chinese Studies at Renmin University that Gao Mingzhu was "writing with heart" and presented him with the title "poetry and books are both excellent". Mr. Quan Xijun wrote in the preface of Gao Mingzhu's Dahongpao album: Mr. Gao Mingzhu's calligraphy, from the perspective of brushstroke, ink use, layout, and organization, has a rigorous but not rigid layout, flexible but not disorderly, and the flowing grass is free and easy to wield. The ancient charm is long and firm and soft, and the brushstroke is perse, natural and elegant, with both rich and vigorous vitality and gentle and elegant charm. It inherits the tradition between the lines of the text and creates a new dimension outside of the law. It truly achieves the unity of ideological, artistic, and aesthetic qualities, and is virtuous The double fragrance of art has already possessed the demeanor of a renowned calligrapher and can provide useful inspiration for other calligraphers to draw inspiration from Mr. Ouyang Zhongshi also insightfully commented on his Gao Mingzhu's calligraphy: "Taking a comprehensive view of his calligraphy works, people feel that they are new but not thin. In terms of [Hongtu Guoyun], his works are magnificent but not flattering, and his works with few characters do not lose their charm. His works are both soft and hard, with both male and female, and his flesh and blood are full, and his structure is natural. He learns from the past but does not adhere to the past, and seeks novelty but does not seek favor. This is what many ancient people have forged in their hearts and given their pens, integrating the strengths of a hundred schools into himself The calligrapher Gao Mingzhu, who draws on the strengths of various calligraphers, exudes the wild style of cursing and hair, blends the charm of the two kings, and captures the brushwork of Minan Palace,Free and easy to wield, lively and agile, with a long ancient charm that combines hardness and softness, enjoying both refined and popular tastes, creating a new generation of cursive style. Calligraphy directly incorporates all natural phenomena into the book, with great grandeur and unique craftsmanship. Its works are grand and elegant without losing solemnity and elegance, elegant and elegant without losing richness and stability, and enjoyable without losing rules and regulations. In fact, it can be said that in motion, there is stillness, and stillness leads to movement, and stillness is beautiful with dynamic motives. The reason is stillness, and the wit is endless. The calm and powerful, extraordinary demeanor, and beauty are unbearable, with the momentum of rolling winds and clouds flowing for thousands of miles, forming a self integrated whole. Contemporary critic Mr. Yushan praised his Gao Mingzhu calligraphy: The cursive script of Gao Mingzhu combines the bold and unrestrained style of the hair, the strength of the two kings, and the elegance and danger of the Minan Palace. The strokes are graceful and smooth, with a free and natural style. The strokes are sharp and free, and the ink lines turn inward and outward, opening and closing wide. The exposed front is used to stretch its spirit, while the hidden front is used to wrap its momentum. The characters may be tilted, reflected, bowed, turned back, tilted, and staggered with strange features, connecting the head and tail, echoing up and down, arranged vertically and horizontally, jumping back and forth. The whole article is unstoppable Beneath it, it is continuous and continuous, like a river flowing around a fragrant meadow, flowing freely. The pen and ink move swiftly and horizontally, like thunder and lightning, sweeping clouds and wind. The character is like a dragon leaping and a tiger leaping, a snake startled into the grass, a bird flying into the forest, and the ending of the pen is timeless and unyielding. Outside the weeding book, the running script of Gao Mingzhu is thick and plump, with a fresh style. The strokes of the characters follow the tradition and are novel and unique, presenting the beauty of being clean and elegant, elegant and simple, and elegant. Chinese News Network commented on Gao Mingzhu's calligraphy: Professor Gao Mingzhu's calligraphy creation concept is reasonable, and his creative practice has also proven to be practical and valuable, which has been widely recognized in the Chinese calligraphy industry. When we look at his works today, we can no longer view them in the traditional sense of calligraphy. What sets him apart is that he thinks about tradition and reflects on it, which is his greatest contribution to current calligraphy. His calligraphy is the reform and opening up and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation It is a new innovation in the development of Chinese calligraphy art from tradition to the present day, indicating that the calligraphy art, the essence of Chinese culture, has not declined and is still full of sustained and vigorous vitality In a report on "Feeling Deep Foundation - Appreciation of People's Artist Gao Mingzhu's Calligraphy", People's Art Network commented on Gao Mingzhu's calligraphy: "Mr. Gao Mingzhu's works use a coherent method of martial arts, with a large amount of vigorous ink, like wind and electricity, written in one stroke, with each stroke applied in ink,It makes people dizzy and unable to understand its path, only after focusing on gathering qi, can they realize the power of its fixed posture. Mr. Zhang's pen and ink are powerful, the font is vigorous and dynamic, and the font is wide and abrupt, which can express a broad minded moral cultivation. Let's first look at the overall feeling of the work, then at the detailed features, changes in composition, exaggerated structure, and appropriate intensity, resulting in more rhythmic and rhythmic changes in the visual impact. Mr. Gao Mingzhu's works reflect the deep foundation of his calligraphy, showcasing the literati's natural and unrestrained style, and the harmonious combination of temperament and method showcasing the brilliance of perfection. Sir, he is elegant but not shallow, showing tension far away from lightness, having a method and degree, free and flowing, as elegant as clouds and smoke, quite pleasing to the eye. There is a unique expression of thickness and depth, with characters that can protrude onto the paper surface, giving it a great sense of spatial texture! This is a calligraphy spectacle that combines sensibility and rationality. Such calligraphy works can decorate the barrier of thousands of families and become a witness to the great praise and reputation of the master in the literary world

    Teacher Gao Mingzhu was one of the top ten Maoist calligraphers in China in the first edition of 2008, one of the top ten art masters who touched China in 2009, and one of the top ten most popular online artists in China in the second edition of 2011. In 2012, CCTV Pioneer China Pioneer Reception Hall gave a 30 minute special report titled "Son of the East: Gao Mingzhu"; In 2013, in commemoration of the 120th anniversary of Chairman Mao's birth, 120 calligraphy works were successfully exhibited at the World Art Museum of the China Century Monument, and a 20 minute special report was presented in the Celebrity Dialogue column; In 2015, Tianjin People's Fine Arts Publishing House published and distributed 2000 copies of Gao Mingzhu's Da Hongpao album titled "Collection of Chinese Modern and Contemporary Calligraphy Masters", which was distributed by Xinhua Bookstore nationwide. Awarded as "China Intangible Cultural Heritage Publication" by the China Intangible Cultural Heritage Office and awarded as "Inheritor of China Intangible Cultural Heritage" by Gao Mingzhu; The China Intangible Cultural Heritage Art Committee named "Gao Mingzhu Dahongpao Famous Artists Studio" after the "Collection of Calligraphy by Chinese Modern and Contemporary Masters"; In 2017, the Gu Yun Jin Tan program of Guangdong Radio and Television Station gave a special report titled "Famous Chinese Calligrapher Gao Mingzhu"; In 2018, calligraphy works were presented as a national gift to the collection of the Prime Minister's Office of the Kyrgyz Republic, and a 10 minute special report titled "Inheriting the Charm of the ancients and Opening up a New Era" was conducted by Gao Mingzhu in the column "Inheriting the Ancient and Creating the Present" of the People's Daily; In 2019, the qualification certification of the Art Development Center of the Ministry of Culture was "Contemporary Famous Calligrapher". The Professional Art Committee of the National Studies Culture and Art Center decided to officially award Gao Mingzhu as "National Studies Master". In 2020, the Xinhua News Agency reported on the famous Chinese calligrapher Gao Mingzhu, titled "The font flies, inherits the charm of the ancients, the lines flow smoothly, and opens up a new trend of the times"; In 2021, Gao Mingzhu's calligraphy works were registered with the National Copyright Administration. The Lanting Font Library Engineering Working Committee decided to include Gao Mingzhu's font in the Lanting Font Library and name it "Lanting · Gao Mingzhu". We specially hired Gao Mingzhu as the font designer for "Lanting Gao Mingzhu"; The calligraphy works "The Great Wall" and "Ode to the Long March" created on December 18, 2022 were reviewed by the editorial committee and respectively included in the National Cultural Park Theme Album "The Great Wall" and "The Long March".

    Mao Zedong's calligraphy work 'Qinyuan Spring Snow' is engraved on the New Great Wall of Badaling in China. The works are included in the "Decision Making China Network · China Influential Figures Database", "China in Art", "Memory of the Republic · Art Chapter", "Times · New Flag", "Yearbook of the People's Republic of China", "Yearbook of Chinese Art", "Selected Works of Chinese Art", "Biographies of Artists", "Culture Monthly", "Art Life", "Centennial Master", "Literary Giant", "Don't Forget Your Original Heart", "Impressions of Hong Kong", "Collection of the Forbidden City", and "People's Art" Artists of the People, Inheritance of Art, Masters of Great Powers, Gold Medal Artists, Masters of National Rites, History of Contemporary Chinese Calligraphy, Masters of Chinese Art Schools, Treasures of Chinese Art, Masters of Contemporary Chinese Art, Touching the World's Artists, Classics of the World, Master Style, Inheritance of Art, Appreciation of Chinese Famous Calligraphy and Painting Works, and Appreciation of the Nine Famous Artists of the One Generation Fang Family World Hall level Artists: Twenty Hall level Artists that Children Should Know in Their Lifetime "," Complete Collection of Chinese Poetry, Calligraphy and Painting "," Collection of Chinese Art Saint Qigong and Gao Mingzhu "," New China Poetry Classic "," Three Hundred New China Poetry Schools "," Three Hundred New China Traditional Chinese Studies Schools ", etc.


