
姜国亮|Jiang Guoliang


    Jiang Guoliang was born in Yangjiang City, Guangdong Province in 1953. He is a national first-class artist, visiting professor at the Chinese Academy of Management Sciences, and a member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association. Currently, he is the Vice Chairman of the Chinese Federation of Literary and Artists, Honorary President of the Chinese Calligraphy and Art Research Association, a member of the Academic Committee of the Chinese Association for Cultural Studies of Chinese and Foreign Celebrities, and Vice President of the China International Calligraphy and Painting Research Institute. His calligraphy is strong and unrestrained, vigorous and free spirited, and unique in contemporary times. He has been awarded the honorary title of "National Most Influential Artist" twice in a row, and has been awarded the title of "Chinese Cultural and Artistic Master" by the China Cultural and Artistic Masters Evaluation Committee, the China Cultural and Artistic Association, and the China Literature Publishing House. He was also awarded the title of "China's Hundred Outstanding Artists" by the former Cultural and Artistic Exchange Center of the Ministry of Culture in 2015, Awarded the honorary title of "National Excellent Artist" by the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles. Was awarded the title of "Master in the People's Heart" in the 2020 Focus Selection Activity by Calligraphy Daily, and was awarded the title of "Chief Artist" by the National Rites Culture Official Network and the National Rites Culture and Art Research Committee in 2021. In 2015, his calligraphy works were exhibited in Japan, Germany, and the National Hall of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference in Beijing. They were successively collected by the Dusseldorf Artists Association in Germany, the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, and the National Museum of China. Recently, his calligraphy works have been collected by Beijing Capital International Airport and Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport respectively. His calligraphy works have also been collected by the Prime Minister's Office of the Kyrgyz Republic as a diplomatic channel for national ceremonies. In 2021, he was awarded the honorary title of "People's Artist" by the Art Development Center of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. In 2022, his calligraphy works were successively selected for "International Art Investment" and "Collection of Chinese Modern Calligraphy and Painting Masters" published and distributed by Heilongjiang Fine Arts Publishing House. They were awarded a collection certificate by the National Library of China and were awarded the title of "China Image Ambassador" by the China Arts and Culture Development Center. During the National Excellent Art Works Selection Campaign to welcome the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, his calligraphy works were collected by the National Museum of China and awarded the "Most Collectable Value Award" and the "2022 Best Creation Award" by the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Art Guidance Committee. In addition, calligraphy works have also been selected for the "Holy Land and Monuments" of the Confucius Temple in Qufu, Shandong, and have been permanently displayed to society through large-scale exterior wall porcelain plate firing art. In 2023, he was awarded the honorary title of "Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Intangible Cultural Heritage Literary Merit Award" by the Organizing Committee of the Chinese Intangible Cultural Heritage Yearbook and the China Culture Press. In 2023, he was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award for Chinese Calligraphy and Painting by the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the National Artist Information Publicity Center. In the same year, he was also awarded the honorary title of "2023 Olympic Art Conference Art Exchange Ambassador" by the 2023 Olympic Art Conference Committee and the International Exchange Working Committee of the China Service Trade Association. In the same year, he was also invited to participate in the Sino Australian Calligraphy and Painting Masters International Art Invitation Exhibition, and his exhibited works received unanimous praise from international friends.

姜国亮作品 《陈氏粤香盐焗鸡》 尺寸:170cmX60cm 2019年

姜国亮作品 《海纳百川》 尺寸:140cmX35cm 2010年

姜国亮作品 《寿而康》 尺寸:180X49cm  2012年

姜国亮作品 《陶渊明,饮酒其五》 尺寸:180x49cm;2010年

姜国亮作品 唐·李白《早发白帝城》 尺寸:165cmX80cm 2013年

姜国亮作品 毛泽东 《沁园春·长沙》 尺寸:180cmX98cm 2013年


姜国亮作品 《般若波罗蜜多心经》 尺寸:139x70cm   2005年

姜国亮作品 《龙》 尺寸:139cmX70cm 2005年


姜国亮作品 唐·王维诗句 尺寸:115cmX70cm 2012年

姜国亮作品 《和为贵》 尺寸:140cmX70cm 2017年

姜国亮作品 《缘》 尺寸:70x70cm   2017年

姜国亮作品 《朱熹春日饮酒,其五》 尺寸:70x70cm  2009年

姜国亮作品 《疾风然后知劲草》 尺寸:70x70cm;2011年

姜国亮作品 《善》 尺寸:70x70cm    2017年

姜国亮作品 《福》 尺寸:70x70cm  2017年

姜国亮作品 《寿》 尺寸:140x70cm  2006年

姜国亮作品 《虎》 尺寸:153cmX48cm 2013年

姜国亮作品 《由来富贵原如梦》 尺寸:264x64cm 2020年



