
韩植墨|Han Zhimo


    Han Zhimo, a professor at Shanxi University, master's supervisor, member of the Communist Party of China, and former dean of the School of Fine Arts at Shanxi University. Born in Xiaoyangquan Village, Yangquan City in 1944, with ancestral roots in Pingding County, Shanxi Province. In the 1960s, he was admitted to the Fine Arts Department of Shanxi University and obtained a bachelor's degree. After graduation, he worked as an artist at the Xiyang County Cultural Museum and Jinzhong Exhibition Hall until the late 1970s, and later entered the factory as a worker and clerk. Since the 1980s, I have been transferred back to my alma mater to teach. He has served as the director of the oil painting research room, deputy director of the art department, and deputy dean for many years. He is currently a member of the China Artists Association, a director of the China Oil Painting Society, a vice chairman and consultant of the Shanxi Artists Association, a researcher at the Shanxi Federation of Literary and Art Creation Center, a president of the Shanxi Oil Painting Society, a vice chairman of the Shanxi Art Research Association, a member of the Shanxi Calligraphy Association, and also serves as a part-time professor and visiting professor at universities such as Datong College, Jinzhong College, Lvliang College, Xinzhou College, Changzhi College, and Yangquan Vocational and Technical College.

《塞外牧歌》 布面油彩 2014年 78cm×110cm


静物I号布面油彩 1995年规格63cmx70cm

《馨》 布面油彩 2015年 20cm×25cm

《葵花地》 布面油彩 2010年 65cm×90cm

《春三月》 布面油彩 1990年 80cm×90cm

《母亲》 布面油彩 1990年 89cm×100cm


《古堡残阳》 布面油彩 2011年 100cm×85cm

《古塬回声》 布面油彩 1994年 134cm×114cm

《穿民族服装的少女》 布面油彩1990年 66cm×87cm

《穿印花服装的少妇布》 面油彩1988出60cmX50cm

《自得棋乐》 布面油彩 2006年 100cm×70cm

《心曲》 布面油彩 1992年 78cm×59cm

《老人肖像》 布面油彩 1985年 42cm×29cm

《女大学生肖像》 布面油彩 1992年 72cm×52cm

小巷斜阳》 纸面油画棒 1983年 40cm×30cm

《状元》 布面油彩 1984年 180cm×90cm

